Our Ethic Code incorporates the principles of behaviour and values shared by the divisions of GMedia Group and those deriving from compliance with current legislation.
The founding values of our company are:
Respect for the person
Members of society always act with full respect for the dignity of the person in all external or internal relationships, in interpersonal and collective relationships.
Responsibility towards the Customer
The customer is the fundamental interlocutor of the company. With it we build solid and long-lasting relationships, seeking rigorously, professionally and efficiently to respond fully to the obligations contracted.
Social responsibility
The activities and behaviour of companies produce immediate consequences on the living conditions of the community in which they act. Our society and its workers are always aware of the social dimension of their actions that tend to achieve the prosperity of all the company components in compliance with the laws and in compliance with the social context in which we act.
The search for innovation inspires daily work processes, to try to improve the quality of work and keep up with the times. The drive for continuous improvement gives our services the added value that, in addition to being a harbinger of development for the company, contributes to safeguarding the working environment.
The economic rigor is the constant reference of all the components of the company to guarantee its stability and its development.
The generosity in collaborating, in transferring experiences, in suggesting changes, in sharing new approaches and making them one's own, constitutes the viaticum sure for the satisfaction of each one and for the success of the Society.
The moral principles and responsibilities indicated in the Code of Ethics concern all members of the Company, workers and managers. All employees and collaborators respect the rules and entrust the disinterested collaboration essential for the existence and development of the Company. The compromise on moral principles constitutes its extinction.